Sunday, June 12, 2011

Italia here we come!!!

Christmas season 2008: We arrived in Rome! We find our bus and make our way to the hotel. One of the best things about Trafalgar is that they try their hardest not to book “name brand hotels” so we were in this cute little hotel with a rooftop terrace and garden. We loved it! We saw so many amazing old things! All the history to take in is just unbelievable! We have the most amazing tour director named Federica! She was so much fun and knew exactly where to take us! Now…andiamo! :) (let’s go in Italian). 

The first full day we visited the Sistine Chapel where the works of Michelangelo are located. Then we headed into St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. From here we went into ancient Rome to overlook the Forum and the Circus Maximus where chariot races used to take place. And then…we went to the Colosseum! So crazy that the Romans were going to destroy this building! Then we had dinner at a cute local place and had so much food! Classic Italian dining where the food just kept coming and coming and coming! And after that we went on an excursion to the Trevi fountain. We also saw Rome by night which was so incredible since it was all lit up for the holiday season! Saw the Pantheon which I studied when I was an Architecture major (that only lasted a semester). We saw so much in such a short amount of time it was incredible! Now, onto the South!

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