Thursday, June 28, 2012

Vacation vs. Stay-cation

Every time I see a headline about how to save money on a vacation I always click on it because I am intrigued. But once I click on the article I am usually disappointed because it’s always about “Stay-cations”. I’m sorry but I think this is biggest load of BS ever! You’re telling me that your kids are going to be okay with staying at home and doing stuff they could do EVERY day versus going someplace new and amazing. Here is my break down on the costs differences between a real vacation and a “stay-cation”. While figuring cost I did not include gas, food or souvenirs. I didn’t include them because it can really very, are you going to be strict and not buy any souvenirs for your kids or are you going to buy whatever they want? Are you going to eat at the theme park where a meal can easily cost $15 for one person or are you going to make everyone eat beforehand? Many variables so I left them out.

Locations: San Antonio, TX vs. Kauai, HI
I picked these locations because I grew up in San Antonio (and it has lots to offer and see) and my next vacation is to Kauai so I am becoming familiar with the island.

Length: 10 days

People: 4 (2 adults and 2 kids, ages 14 and 10)

Using the company we booked, Pleasant Holiday, you can get 4 round trip flights, economy car, and hotel for $5047.00! Now I think that is a deal! Kauai is full of free things to do and see. You don’t have to spend a dime on a tour and you’ll still feel fulfilled in seeing the island. There are numerous beaches, trails, festivals and farmers markets to explore. 

San Antonio
For San Antonio I picked 10 attractions (one for each day). Without the sport event you’re looking at $1013.78 and adding on a sporting event you’re looking at anywhere from $1057.78 - $1247.58. And of course, don’t forget to stop and see the Alamo for FREE!
Sea World - $210 including parking (kids here are ages 3-9)
Schlitterbahn - $205.06 including parking (you are allowed to bring your own food and drinks in)
Six Flags - $213.23 including parking
Ripley’s Believe it Or Not & Wax Museum - $70.96 including parking (across from the Alamo)
Witte Museum - $37 (includes HEB science tree house)
Buckhorn Museum - $78.07
San Antonio Zoo - $43 (REALLY nice zoo!)
Sports Event (I couldn’t think of a 10th option but SA has many sports teams and here are some estimate prices).
Spurs - $233.80 (Men’s basketball)
Missions - $44 (Minor league baseball)
Rampage - $140 (Ice hockey)
Stars - $208 (Women’s basketball)

Obviously staying at home would be cheaper but you have to compare the experiences. 
In SA you can see this…

Or in Hawaii you can see this…

Or this...

Or this...

It’s your choice!

Happy Travels!


  1. Staycation is such a cop out. It's just being at home. I would agree with you--plus don't you want to show your children the world? My parents used to do a lot of road trips and camping--not my style any more but we certainly got to see a lot of great places across the country that way.

    p.s. Melissa sent me your way, love your blog so far!

    1. thanks for stopping by! I totally agree, learning about other states/countries and their cultures is so important!
