Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to Plan a Vacation: Part 3

So a few months ago I posted a few blogs on how I plan a vacation. You can link here for Part 1 and Part 2. With our vacation a little less than 3 months away I now can post Part 3,

Step 5: The Binder! After I have researched everything, printed out all my maps and have all my excursion confirmations its time to compile them all into one nice and tidy place :) I make a cover page to place in the cover of the binder because I'm not going to just throw all this hard/fun work away when we get back. No, no, no! I'll keep it, and that way when you have a question about Kauai I can pull it out and show you just what we did and how much it all cost and what to expect. 

The binder holds:

Restaurant and Points of Interest Address'
Activity Confirmations
Travel Insurance Policy
Payment Documents

I will also stash booklets and magazines I have picked up about our destination in the binder so they don't get lost or bent in flight.

We have bought all our hiking gear and have all our cameras ready with plenty of memory cards. I think all we have left to get is the tripod for the big camera. Check out the pics of my travel binder for Kauai, Hawaii.

Maps and fish ID


Can't forget the AAA tour book
some of out new gear!

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