Monday, November 12, 2012

Best Islands in the World

Big Island, Hawaii - 2011
I apologize for the lack of posts so far this month. Seems like I was on a real roll last month and now...well I'm supper busy! We had our carpet replaced the first weekend in November and this past weekend (and until tonight) we are dog sitting for a friend and then this weekend my parents are coming into town! And we have to pack for the trip! Speaking of our trip...I figured I would let you know the top 10 Islands in the world according to Travel + Leisure's annual World's Best survey. One day I hope to make it to all of these islands!

1. Boracay, Philippines
2. Bali, Indonesia
3. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
4. Maui, Hawaii
5. Great Barrier Reef Islands, Australia
6. Santorini, Greece
7. Kauai, Hawaii (going there)
8. Big Island, Hawaii (read about it here)
9. Sicily, Italy
10. Vancouver Island, British Columbia

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