Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day 3: Journey to the North Shore

Day 1: The Garden Isle
Day 2: The Hike that almost Killed Me

We left the hotel early in the morning to head to the north side of the island. On our way we stopped and had breakfast at the Kilauea Bakery which had AMAZING breakfast turnovers (and coconut and chocolate éclairs that I saved for later)! After our stop there we headed to the Kilauea light house; they weren’t open yet but if you have a good lens on your camera you could still get some pretty good shots. After that little pit stop we headed to Secret Beach, Anini Beach and Queen's Bath.

Secrets Beach – It’s a little tricky to get to, from HWY 56 turn right on the first Kalihiwai road you come to. Then turn right onto Secrets Beach road and after a short downhill (that’s uphill on your way back :P) hike you are at the beach. This was my husband's favorite beach.

Anini Beach – From HWY 56 turn right on the second Kalihiwai road you come to and then turn left onto Anini road. You'll drive down the road a ways until you see some parking and outdoor facilities. This is where we swam with the honu!

Queen's Bath – From HWY 56 you'll turn right on Ka Haku road (like you're going to the St. Regis). Then turn right onto Punahele road and go to the end and you'll see some cars parked, park there and hike your way down. During the winter months the government may close the area due to rough water. But when the water is relatively calm you can get in the pool and relax. ***Use your best judgment and caution***

After those adventures we made our way into Hanalei and stopped for a bite to eat at Hanalei Gourmet, the service was pretty good for the style of restaurant but I thought the prices were a bit on the high side. After that we walked to Hanalei Bay and Pier and took in the sights. We didn’t stay there long since we wanted to get back and freshen up before we headed to Friday night Art Night in Hanapepe.

I was actually told by the Kauai Visitors Bureau to check this out…and my husband and I like to collect art from our travels so we thought it would be worth our time. Well it was a big waste of time, all the art was either WAY over priced (in my mind) or the little knick-knacks that some of the stores were selling weren’t even made in Kauai! I wanted something authentic! At least take the "made in Indonesia" stickers off so I could pretend.

To get the cool underwater picture of the sea turtle we used our GoPro, get yours by clicking the link below.


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