Friday, January 18, 2013


Happy Friday y'all! Today I'm going to share with you one of my pinterest projects. I know a lot of people spend copious amounts of time on pinterest (I'm guilty!). And although I don't have enough time to do/try everything I pin I have been able to try a few and I want to share them with you!

The project I am going to share with you today is our bathroom basket storage. We live in a 1600 sq foot house and the space isn't organized in the best way (thanks crappy designer/architect!). For example, there is no linen closet for the master bed/bath. First we bought one of these things from Bed, Bath and Beyond. 
It didn't really work out, we had to put it on blocks to make it taller and our towels didn't fit in it either and it was really wobbly. It was like this for a while and then in 2011 my mother-in-law showed me pinterest...heaven!...I started pining things like crazy and then I saw someone had taken a basket and screwed the bottom to the wall to make some storage for their towels. Genius! So we went to Target and bought some baskets (laying them on the floor to find a pattern and sizes we liked before we bought). We also bought some washers to help anchor the baskets to the wall (I spray painted them brown). And after everything was said and done we ended up with this! Pinterest WIN!!!   

Hope you find pinterest just was inspiring! Have a great weekend!

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