Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Under Bite: The Tail of Two Bulldogs

I would like to introduce y'all to the two 4-legged loves of my life, Lola and Coco. This is my new series, Under Bite: The Tail (or lack there of in their case) of Two Bulldogs.

This is Lola, she will be 4 years old this year and stole my heart 100% the day we got her. She is my baby and I will do ANYTHING for her (and I truly mean that!). She has a heart condition and went under the knife in 2012 but we figured out there was nothing that could be done. She is on meds and staying healthy! Because of her condition I really baby her, she is a spoiled princess and gets what she wants when she asks for it (ruff, ruff!). I don't think I will ever love a dog the way I love Lola, to quote Sweet Home Alabama here, "I gave away my heart a long time ago, my whole heart, and I never really got it back."

Coco is our wild card, she is an Old English Bulldog and therefore a little taller then Lola and not as stout. She is still very much a puppy and keeps us entertained by jumping on the furniture and on us. I call her my parkour dog because it seems like nothing gets in her way, she'll just jump over it!

So, these are my pups! I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do!

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