Sunday, February 3, 2013

Extreme Travelers: 1 Million Miles in 365 Days

Tom Stuker has flown so many miles in his life that United Airlines named one of their 747s after him! They did that after he flew 10 million miles with them of course. Tom lives in New Jersey and is so lucky to get to travel for work (he is an automotive sales consultant). You'll be able to get to know Tom on a more personal level when his new show, Car Lot Rescue, premiers on Spike TV in February 2013.

How did he come up with this idea? He talks about it here.
Courtesy United Continental Hold
How many miles do you have? I have 29,956 Lifetime miles with United...I have a long way to go before I reach 1 Million. But I also only became a frequent flyer with them in 2008.

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