Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hillary Clinton's Travels

This lady has been everywhere! And I think its awesome!!! Here is the list below. You can pictures on I could only put dots on the bigger countries so some of the islands don't have dots over them.

 Afghanistan  Dominican Republic  Latvia  Singapore
 Albania  East Timor  Lebanon  South Africa
 Algeria  Egypt  Liberia  South Korea
 Angola  El Salvador  Libya  South Sudan
 Argentina  Estonia  Lithuania  Spain
 Armenia  Ethiopia  Loas  Sweden
 Australia  Finland  Malawi  Switzerland
 Azerbaijan  France  Malaysia  Tajikistan
 Bahrain  Georgia  Malta  Tanzania
 Bangladesh  Germany  Mexico  Thailand
 Barbados  Ghana  Mongolia  Togo
 Belguim  Great Britain  Morocco  Trinidad and Tobago
 Benin  Greece  Netherlands  Tunisia
 Bosnia  Greenland  New Zealand  Turkey
 Brazil  Guatemala  Nigeria  Uganda
 Brunei  Haiti  Norway  Ukraine
 Bulgaria  Honduras  Oman  United Arab Emirates
 Burma  Hong Kong  Pakistan  Uzbekistan
 Cambodia  Hungary  Palestine  Vietnam
 Canada  India  Papua New Guinea  Yemen
 Cape Verde  Iraq  Paraguay  Zambia
 Chile  Ireland  Peru
 China  Israel  Philippines
 Colombia  Ivory Coast  Poland
 Congo  Jamaica  Portugal
 Cook Islands  Japan  Qatar
 Costa Rica  Jordan  Russia
 Croatia  Kenya  Saudia Arabia
 Czech Republic  Kosovo  Senegal
 Denmark  Kyrgyzstan  Serbia

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