Afghanistan | Dominican Republic | Latvia | Singapore |
Albania | East Timor | Lebanon | South Africa |
Algeria | Egypt | Liberia | South Korea |
Angola | El Salvador | Libya | South Sudan |
Argentina | Estonia | Lithuania | Spain |
Armenia | Ethiopia | Loas | Sweden |
Australia | Finland | Malawi | Switzerland |
Azerbaijan | France | Malaysia | Tajikistan |
Bahrain | Georgia | Malta | Tanzania |
Bangladesh | Germany | Mexico | Thailand |
Barbados | Ghana | Mongolia | Togo |
Belguim | Great Britain | Morocco | Trinidad and Tobago |
Benin | Greece | Netherlands | Tunisia |
Bosnia | Greenland | New Zealand | Turkey |
Brazil | Guatemala | Nigeria | Uganda |
Brunei | Haiti | Norway | Ukraine |
Bulgaria | Honduras | Oman | United Arab Emirates |
Burma | Hong Kong | Pakistan | Uzbekistan |
Cambodia | Hungary | Palestine | Vietnam |
Canada | India | Papua New Guinea | Yemen |
Cape Verde | Iraq | Paraguay | Zambia |
Chile | Ireland | Peru | |
China | Israel | Philippines | |
Colombia | Ivory Coast | Poland | |
Congo | Jamaica | Portugal | |
Cook Islands | Japan | Qatar | |
Costa Rica | Jordan | Russia | |
Croatia | Kenya | Saudia Arabia | |
Czech Republic | Kosovo | Senegal | |
Denmark | Kyrgyzstan | Serbia |
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Hillary Clinton's Travels
This lady has been everywhere! And I think its awesome!!! Here is the list below. You can pictures on I could only put dots on the bigger countries so some of the islands don't have dots over them.
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