Monday, March 18, 2013

Under Bite: The Tail of Two Bulldogs

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and celebrated St. Patrick's Day if you're into those shenanigans. We decided since it was her birthday and we need to socialize her more that we would take the pups to a Bulldog Meet Up. There was about 15 bulldogs there and about 5 gallons worth of slobber! Coco loved it but it was a bit too much for my dear Lola. Here are some pictures from the weekend

 {Happy Birthday Loco Coco!}

 {Houston English Bulldog Meet Up}

 {Sleeping on the chair isn't enough, she has to sleep in her bed on top of the chair = Princess}

{Silly Max}

 Also, you know the saying "If you don't like the weather in (insert state here) then wait a few hours." Well I'm sure this happens everywhere from time to time but how about this dramatic change!!! From basically 90 degree F to 70 degree F in a matter of 6 days! Thank you Texas!

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