Thursday, April 18, 2013


How many of you out there are obsessed with Pinterest? I know I am! I can be on that site for hours! And that is exactly what I have been doing lately since we started the process of buying/building our new home. I wanted to have everything organized by room so that meant splitting up the 'Home Décor' board into: office, dining room, living room, master bedroom, laundry room, game room and closet. I also wanted things in general to be more organized and to have all my boards contain less than 200 pins each. I now only have 2 boards with over 200 pins and they are 'Home Décor' and 'DIY'. But now I have 56 boards…is that too much? I think once the designing of the new house gets done those boards will be deleted. I also have like 11 boards for kids' birthday party idea and I don’t even have any kids yet!

Anyway, here is your Pinspiration for the month. I first got the idea from Jen over at iHeart Organizing and thought it was a genius idea. Jen's idea below

Only problem was IKEA was out of these little wooden spice racks. No worries, my dad can make some. So he made me 3 and then a few weeks later IKEA had them back in stock so I bought 3 more for later. I loved Jen's use of them for children's books and that’s why I bought extra. And then I saw a picture of them used in the bathroom…PERFECT! Our current master bath is a 60 inch vanity with one sink and I seem to be a hoarder of bathroom products (I have like 10 different perfumes that I rotate through). So I painted them white and attached them to the wall!

Happy Pinning!

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