Friday, April 5, 2013

Travel RoundUp

1 - The Golden Gate Bridge is going digital! After 76 years of having to stop and pay someone you can now just zip on through and be on your way!

{photo taken in 1999, no filter haha}

2 - In a city known for its spires, now the ugliest tower in Prague now has a one deluxe hotel suite. And the best thing about it, the 709 feet tall TV tower from the communist regime is nowhere in sight! You can book the room for about $1,300 a night.

{Prague, 2010}

3 - If you are thinking of letting your kid go to a Disney park while you stay at the hotel and pamper yourself think again. Disney parks are banning unescorted children younger than 14.

4 - Ever want to give a lion a kiss, rub a tiger on the belly? Well head over the Argentina's Lujan Zoo!

5 - Ever wanted to compare the Rockies to the Alps? Well a fellow blogger and Houstonian Debbie has done it for you! Check her post on the subject here.

6 - Imagine walking the streets of Rome, seeing the Spanish Steps and wanting to grab a gelato. Well you better grab the gelato and keep on walking because the mayor of Rome has made a new ordinance that forbids one form eating and drinking anywhere in Rome with "particular historic, artistic, architectonic and cultural value" … I think that’s about everywhere. The fine can cost you more than $600!!!

{Christmas in Italia, 2008}

1 comment:

  1. Thanks girl!!!!!
    I sadly admit that I didn't know the Golden Gate Bridge had a toll. Doh! And seeing that pic of Prague has me dying to go back! Still one of my favorites :)
