Friday, April 12, 2013

Wildlife While on Vacation

When you travel are the adventitious type? Do you like to do cool and unique things instead of just playing in the hotel pool? Here is a list of fun ways to experience the natural wildlife in so awesome locations!

Swim with Dolphins in Wild Ocean
Swimming with dolphin's in the wild?!?! Sounds AWESOME! I do however get this feeling when I am snorkeling that I am in someone else's home and I feel like I am invading. I mean I kind of am. I also have this fear of swimming in deep water…I don’t think this is something I could do.

See Penguins Down Under
I have always wanted to go to South Africa to be able to see penguins but Australia seems to be a good alternative too! On Australia's Phillips Island the penguins appear every night at sunset. No photography please! You can donate to Australia’s Penguin Foundation, they are dedicated to conserving the species and rescuing and rehabilitating sick penguins.

Florida’s Key Deer
Okay, so deer are kind of everywhere right? At least they are here in Texas. But in the Florida Keys they have a mini deer called Key deer. They stand about 2 feet and weighing in at around 60 pounds. And they can swim!!! When we went to Key West in 2009 we drove north one afternoon and we didn't see any Key deer but we did see some very tall fences (most likely to keep them from jumping into the road) and we saw plenty of signs warning us to break for them if we did see one! But…we didn't see any!

Ride an Elephant in Thailand
While you're vacationing in Thailand (I can't wait) ask your hotel about Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation and the Thai Elephant Conservation Center. Both these foundations will let you "adopt" an elephant and in turn you'll get to feed, bathe, and maybe even ride the large creature. Sounds so cool and unique!

Texas Animals A & B
In Austin, TX you can view the flight of the largest urban bat community in America under the Congress Avenue Bridge.  They take flight at midnight! Also in Texas is the nine-banded armadillo and it’s the only variety of armadillo found in the U.S. (interesting, I am a proud Texas but I didn’t know our armadillos were the only ones in the whole United States!)  

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