Friday, May 17, 2013


This month's pinspiration idea was all about making the home we were selling look inviting and green! I saw this cute little DIY on planting your own lemon seeds into a coffee cup and having a cute little desk plant (I was going to place ours in the kitchen). When I found this originally on Pinterest it didn't have any instructions on what to do so I was stuck to interpreting the pictures. After planting my little seeds I found the instructions and they went something like this:

1 - Take the seeds out of the lemon and let them sit over night in water (the overnight is the part I missed)
2 - Then plant your seeds in the dirt you put in your bowl or mug
3 -Add some decorative rocks if you like
4 - Watch your seeds grow (mine have not gotten as big as they show…as you can see)

Now, the growing part took longer than I anticipated so I wasn't able to have them on display for our home showings but over time they have grown and look pretty cute!

Happy Pinning!

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