Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Girlfriend Getaways

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I ran across this article about fun girlfriend weekends away and I wanted to share. Here are some of their suggestions:  

Charleston, SC
St. Croix 
Red Mountain Resort, St. George, UT 
The Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort & Spa, Henderson, NV 
Coastal Maine 
Lakedale Resort, San Juan Islands, WA 
Amansala Eco-Chic Resort & Spa, Tulum, Mexico 

I have had a few, in 2008 my friend Ashley and I went to Italy over Christmas and it was wonderful! In 2009 my study abroad buddy Amanda and I met up with some of our Norwegian friends in NYC for a fun Labor Day weekend. And in 2010 Ashley and I went back to Europe and did Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria! Haven't been on any girls weekend away since then - life starts happening and spouses and kids come along and then they are your new travel buddies. But maybe I should get something in the works…

Have you ever been on a girls only trips?


  1. hehehe, the top looks familiar :-)
    I am trying to plan a girl's trip for October while Luke is in Houston. It may just be me and one other girl though :-( We are thinking Amsterdam to do the girlie Anne Frank house tour which the boys are so into.
    But beach trips are the BEST girls trips!

    1. haha yeah, I copied and pasted it :)

      I want to take an all girls trip once we're all moms - get away and get crazy!

      We might take a small one to Louisiana in October, any suggestions?
