Monday, June 3, 2013

It's Hot and I Don't Like It!!!

Welcome Summer! To catch y'all up on whats going around Houston, TX...its the temperature! The temperature is whats going up; my car thermometer read 100 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time this year the other day. And typically when its 100 outside it really feels like 110 with 95% humidity! Yeah its not pleasant at all! The dogs are only allowed to go outside in 5 minute increments. (This is why I day dream about Hawaii!)


Also, things are in full swing with our new house! We are officially renting from the people that bought our old place and in about a month we'll be in a hotel until the house is finished. We are so excited! We also only have the large items (beds, sofa, coffee table) to pack up and take to storage unit.

{Our New Home!}

Whats the temperature like in your part of the world? I bet its better than Houston!


  1. It's hot here too! Today, it got to about 68! I broke a sweat when walking home from the store. JK! Well JK about the hot, not kidding about the sweat. It's beautiful here!! I still do NOT miss the heat of Houston and am so thankful that we had some lower temperatures when we visited a few weeks ago. I will take cold over hot any day of the year!
