Thursday, August 22, 2013


I have been so busy with the house (which I am sure that you are tired of hearing about) that I almost forgot to post my monthly Pinspiration. Well here it is, and its an easy one!

It all started with this picture I found on Pinterest.

I loved the idea of using a decorative cupcake tower as a way to clear the clutter of my bathroom counter. And in my last house that was a MUST since we only had one sink.

My mission was to find something similar. I had no real luck online so I enlisted the help of my mother-in-law and she was able to find one pretty quick and she mailed it right to me! It had a mirror thing-y on top of it that would not allow me to put tall bottles on the top tier. So I had to take that off. I still need to paint it to match the colors in my bathroom but so far it has worked out great!

Happy Pinning! 

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