Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Under Bite: The Tail of Two Bulldogs

So this is a story about how our Coco ruined the design vibe we had going in our new house. First some back ground... After being in the new house a week my parents came to visit and brought our Coco back. We were excited for all to see the new place. After my parents left we put together our new FLOR rug. If you're not familiar with FLOR they are carpet tiles. Each tile costs about $15 and they are machine washable, perfect for dog owners!

{Sleepy babies!}

About 30 minutes after we put the rug together Coco broke out in hives! This was around 7:45pm so we had to take her to the ER vet and that = $$$! ggggrrrr! We got her there and they gave her a shot and things calmed down but they didn't go away 100%. Long story short, after a few days and Coco only being about 85% her normal self we took the new rug upstairs to see if that was the culprit and within 3 hours she was 100% back to normal. IT WAS THE ECO-FRIENDLY RUG!!!!

{New wonderful rug!}

{Everything looked so nice!}

Thankfully FLOR let us return the rug! 

Anything like this ever happen to you?

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