Monday, December 23, 2013

25 Questions: Holiday Edition

Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season!
Everywhere I go I buy an Christmas ornament!

Eggnog or hot chocolate?

I'm not big on either but I prefer hot chocolate

Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?

Growing up Santa would wrap the presents in a different wrapping paper then the other presents

Colored lights on tree/house or white?

I like white on the tree but we put some colored lights outside this year and I LOVED it!

Do you hang mistletoe?


When do you hang your decorations up?

This year, since Thanksgiving and Christmas were so close, we decorated it Thanksgiving day

What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?

I'm a fan of carbs: dinner rolls, mashed potatoes, au gratin potatoes

Favorite holiday memory as a child?

I don’t think I have one…or can't remember one anyway…

What is on your Christmas wish list?

This year my 2 big items were a new camera and the Surface 2

Do you open any gifts on Christmas Eve?

In my family we would open one on Christmas Eve. In my husbands they would open all on Christmas Eve and then open the ones from Santa on Christmas Day.

How do you decorate your Christmas tree?

Star first then ornaments

Snow, Love it or dread it?

I have only been in "real" snow twice. I like it enough I suppose but I don’t think I want to shovel it and remove it from my car…

Real tree or fake tree?

I grew up with a real tree but we now have a fake tree in our home. And since pine needles are bad for dogs it will probably stay that way…since my dogs pretty much run the house!

Do you remember your favorite gift?

I have one each year…nothing from my childhood really stands out. I'm sure my Barbie dream house was real score!

What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you?

Just the time of the year to either be with friends and/or family

What is your favorite holiday dessert?

I love me some chocolate pie

What is your favorite tradition?

There is no one thing I like over the other. And as times moves forward we'll have to make new traditions. 

What tops your tree?

A star!

Do you prefer giving or receiving?

I love both! I love to open mine and I love watching people open the presents I give them

What is your favorite Christmas song?

Classic Christmas hymn is Silent Night. New age Christmas song would be either All I want for Christmas by Mariah Carry or Baby It's Cold Outside

Candy canes, yuck or yum?

Not a fan

Favorite Christmas movie?

I really liked Miracle on 34th Street growing up

What do you leave for Santa?

Cookies and milk

Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?

Stockings first and then presents

Do you prefer to shop on-line or at the mall?

Now I like to shop online because I can get extra rewards points and opening the package is like opening a present and I love that!

Christmas letter or Christmas card?

We send cards and I'm sure once our family starts to get bigger and more exciting things start to happen we'll send a letter.

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