Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Liebster Award

I was recently nominated by Debbie from Buisson International for The Liebster Award! It really made my day! Debbie is an American expat from Houston, TX living in London with her husband. Since they have been living abroad they have been taking some amazing trips all over Europe and I love seeing her pictures and reading about their adventures!

The word Liebster has a German origin and has several definitions: nicest, kindest, lovely, kind, pleasant, cute, etc. And it's pretty much a new way to discover new, smaller blogs that would appreciate new followers. With this award I have been asked to share a little about myself - starting with 11 random things about me and then I answer 11 questions that my nominator has asked me. In return, I nominate a few more people for the Liebster Award, give them 11 questions to answer, and they follow along. It is kind of like those chain letters I use to get in middle school but this time I want to participate.  

You can read more about the award here and here.

Eleven Things About Me:
1 – I’m an industrial engineer and manufacture subsea components for the oil & gas industry
2 – I don’t eat vegetables…EVER!
3 – I watch ENTIRELY too much television!
4 – I dream about vacations that are years away
5 – I love, love, love ice cream! Even in the winter
6 – I study abroad in Norway
7 – I have been to Africa but I was only 1.5 years old and don’t remember it
8 – I hope one day to be an expatriate
9 – I have really bad road rage…thank you Houston, TX
10 – I have been to 27 out of the 50 United States (bucket list is to visit all 50)
11 – My dogs are pretty much my children

Eleven Questions from Debbie:
1 - What is the first website/app you usually go to when you initially get on the internet? via mobile phone – facebook; via computer –
2 - What is the biggest obstacle you have faced while traveling? Until I was 25 I wasn’t able to rent a car… thank goodness my husband is a few years older
3 - In terms of behavior, were you good or bad in school? Good!
4 - Which would you rather play during a night out: ping-pong, darts, or pool? Pool
5 - Would you rather live at the beach in the winter or in the mountains in the summer? I would live on a Hawaiian beach in the winter without a doubt!
6 - What song gets you in the mood to sing and dance? Anything from the Pitch Perfect soundtrack… I LOVE that movie!
7 - What is the most amazing tourist attraction you have come across while traveling? Although I’m not much of an art person, seeing the statue of David was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen!
8 - Who (a celebrity) was your biggest teenage crush? Nick Carter of the BSB!
9 - What popular travel destination do you little desire to visit? Why? From what I’ve seen India looks kind of dirty… not sure if I’ll ever make it there.
10 - What is something you have never done that you are very proud of avoiding? I’ve never not given something my all
11 - If you could travel back in time, at what point in your life would you go and why? I would go back to college and study abroad more, my trip was only for a summer session (6 weeks) and I SO wish I had done more! But there wasn’t a lot of options in the college of engineering at the time :(

And the Nominees are…
Buisson International
(can you nominate the person who nominated you? oh, well. I just did because I love her blog!)
Creatrice Mondial
(Amy's blog is another good read if you are researching some destinations)
A Girl in Olsztyn
(Sydney's mom and my mom went to high school together and now she is a teacher in Poland!)
Oh, the places you will go!
(love Selena's blog! She takes you on such amazing adventures!)

Questions for My Nominees:
1 – What are your top 5 travel destinations that you haven’t been to?
2 – What is your favorite place you have visited?
3 – Where is the one place you want to visit again right now if you could?
4 – What’s the best pizza you've ever had?
5 – What is something you collect?
6 – Have you ever met anyone famous?
7 – What’s your number one bucket list item? Have you done it yet?
8 – Is there anything cool about your family history/ancestry?
9 – Do you speak a foreign language? Which ones?
10 – What was the coolest airline/hotel perk you ever received?
11 – What was the coolest concert/festival you've ever been to? 

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