Thursday, January 2, 2014

Travel RoundUp

1 - A Boeing 747 clipped a building in Johannesburg injuring a few grounds crew.

2 - Check out these awesome pictures of London on a foggy day


3 - A French coffee shop will sell you coffee for less if you ask for it politely.

“A coffee” costs 7e. “A coffee, please” costs 4.25e. And “Hello, a coffee please”, costs 1.40e. {Source}
4 - This one happened here in Houston; a man flying from Louisiana fell asleep on his flight to Houston and was left on the plane. He woke up to a dark plane and then called for help.

5 - This Hawaiian town is sick of tourists. See why here.

6 - Feel like you’re not getting enough paid time off? Check out these countries… I think a move is in order! 

8 - Dubai set the world record for fireworks while welcoming in the new year!


9 - Airline CEOs predict the next 100 year in aviation

10 - The best Airline club lounges...I have been to the one in IAH!

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