Monday, February 3, 2014

Travel RoundUp

I hope everyone had a good January and you're ready for February because its here! And ol' Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow so it looks like we'll have six more weeks of winter. Which I believe because we're just starting to see winter weather here in Houston. How about where you live? 

Below are some interesting updates in the travel world:  

1 – Did you meet your significant other while flying on United Airlines? Did you propose at 30,000 ft. (9,144 m)? United had a Valentines contest for you.

2 – Southwest and JetBlue have bought takeoff and landing slots at Reagan National. Southwest is also starting to sell their first international flights!

3 – With this crazy polar vortex (we even got snow here in Houston) Niagara Falls partial froze! See pictures here.  And planes were sliding off the runways and into banks of snow at JFK.

4 – The tallest hotel in America has opened in NYC. The 68 story building has 639 rooms and is 760 feet tall. Floors 6-33 are Courtyard Marriot and floors 37-65 are Residence Inn by Marriot.

From my visit to Norway in 2008
6 – The aviation industry has decided that airliners are safe enough to fly over oceans, no matter how far, with only two engines!

7 – Would an increase in shark attacks keep you from visiting the Hawaiian Islands?

8 – The airlines are going on a major shopping spree! They have ordered more than 8,200 new planes in the past five years!

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