Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekend Workout

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty good - I signed up for Pure Barre classes and I intend to get my full moneys worth! Seems all Pure Barre studios have an introductory rate of $99 for 4 weeks of unlimited classes. So I went Saturday and Sunday...after my Sunday class I was REALLY feeling the soreness set in! I am fully expecting stronger abs by the end of the month! :P

I also continued to work on a Pinspiration project I have going on right now (I'll be posting a full post about it next month but I wanted to share a sneak peek because I am that excited about it!)

{Sneak Peek}

We also got a desk for our office! We were both starting to get fed-up with having the computer in the kitchen with all the wires exposed and whatnot. Now we have a wonderful, organized work space.

How was your weekend? Did you go anywhere? Buy anything? Do something new?

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