Monday, March 30, 2015

Maternity Monday ~ Week 32

Less than 8 weeks left! We are getting close! And I totally cheated on the chalk board this week and edited it on the computer...probably how I am going to do it here on out :)

Total weight gain: Creeping up to 40 pounds!
Stretch marks? Still don’t have any - Loving Tummy Rub Stretch Mark Oil by Mama Mio and Basq Advanced Stretch Mark Butter (now on my third tub).
Sleep: I am actually having some nights where I'm only waking up once to pee…those nights are nice!
Miss Anything? I miss being able to lay down on my stomach and I miss being able to get on the floor and play with my pups.
Movement: Seems like she is moving more and more. Maybe it's because she is getting bigger and I feel every little movement now. 
Food cravings/aversions: Same as the last update
Anything making you queasy or sick? Just when you thing you've entered the home stretch - got sick again on March 21 :(
Labor Signs: Not that I know of. They keep saying, "Oh, you'll know!" But will I? How do I know it's not just gas?
Symptoms: Even though my doctor says I'm pretty low maintenance I have still had pretty much every symptom under the sun: nausea, morning sickness, dry skin, bloody noses (from the dry skin), pregnancy rash (I don’t think it was PUPPPS because it was only there for about 2 weeks), acid reflux, my feet are starting to swell, and a slew of other normal symptoms that the books will tell you you might get.
Belly Button in or out? In
Mood: It's okay, I just slowly move around work and the house.
Looking forward to: Not having to take so many pills - I take 5 per night to combat some of my pregnancy symptoms.

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