Monday, April 13, 2015

Maternity Monday ~ Week 34

We have less than 6 weeks to go! Countdown is on!!!
Total weight gain: Creeping up to 40 pounds!
Stretch marks? Still don’t have any - Loving Tummy Rub Stretch Mark Oil (now using my travel size I bought for our vacation) by Mama Mio and Basq Advanced Stretch Mark Butter (now on my third tub).
Sleep: Some nights its good, some nights its bad
Miss Anything? Being able to put on my own socks. Yep, the belly is starting to get that big!
Movement: Seems like she is moving more and more. Maybe it's because she is getting bigger and I feel every little movement now. 
Food cravings/aversions: Same as the last update
Anything making you queasy or sick? Same as before
Labor Signs: Nothing that I know of...
Symptoms: My lower legs have started to swell! I try and keep my feet propped up as much as possible. And I am getting "pregnancy" brain real bad! So much so that I made my chalk board sign, took pictures, then realized I missed spelled one of the words...
Belly Button in or out? In
Mood: It's okay, I just slowly move around work and the house.
Looking forward to: Working out again!

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