Friday, February 11, 2011

An American in Norway

When I was a junior in college a Norwegian teacher came and gave a lecture in one of my classes. Studying abroad had never crossed my mind before, kind of a combination of getting “home sick” and not really having the funding to go. But this teacher, Sigva, had so many WONDERFUL things to say about this town and school in Hønesfoss, Norway…I was interested. This particular study abroad "session" was only going to be for 6 weeks! Not too bad, I could manage that. So I called my mom as soon as class was over and told her I thought this was something I really needed to do and should do (since I probably wouldn’t get a summer internship). So my parents talked about it and since my mom has traveled the world she understood that it would be a wonderful and worthwhile experience for me. So I started taking one of the three classes after spring break. There was only six engineering going, four boys and two girls, including me. So mid-May comes around and it is time to fly across the pond with people I barely know! This is where that other girl, Amanda, and I realize we are long lost best friends! How wonderful! The next six weeks we were pretty mush inseparable.

We get to our new homes for the next six weeks and start exploring the area. What a wonderful and beautiful place! We went to the grocery store and just generally become familiar with the area; figure out where the school was and where we need to go for class, where the train station is, and most importantly where the bar is! The local bakery had the most amazing treats and the town had many pizza parlors that we indulged in thanks to our new connections in waiter friends! And of course we took in the Norwegian fashion at the mall. We met one of our now good friends via the bartender at Lloyds (♫ I like the bar-r-tender♫) his cousin Charlotte! And she helped us meet other fun people.

Jack, Ece, Amanda, Charlotte

Me, Christina, Charlotte, Amanda

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