Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day Trip to Oslo

beautiful fountain that I just love
Oslo is known for being the most expensive city in the whole world…well maybe that’s because Norway is one of the most expensive countries in the world. Well Jack, Amanda, and I had planned to take the bus for day trip into Oslo (about 45mins from Hønesfoss). Well the night before Amanda and I decided to go out to Lloyd’s, well Amanda went off to get some pulesveis so I needed a ride back to my place…I got a ride back to my place and Amanda decided to not come to Oslo with us since she was having so much fun ;). So Jack and I headed to Oslo! We had a great time exploring the city and seeing the sights.

Frogner Park

Ski Jump! We went to the top!

Me being silly :P

a view from the top of the ski jump

The Scream

the Opera House

We didn’t get to see everything (since we walked the whole time) but we did see a lot! The things we did see were: the ski jump, Frogner Park, the Opera House (made to look like a glacier) and the piece of art known as The Scream (which I didn’t know was painted on a pier in Oslo…so it makes since that it’s in the city). We stopped for lunch at McDonalds (we were so longing for American food!) were we found out that our medium is their large (I wanted more French FriesL). We had great weather and over all it was a good trip to the country’s capital.

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