Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 6: Na Pali Snorkel

Day 1: The Garden Isle
Day 2: The Hike that almost Killed Me
Day 3: Journey to the North Shore
Day 4: The Sunny South

Day 5: Cruisin' the Coconut Coast

Today was another early morning; we headed to Port Allen to join Captain Andy and his crew on another tour of the Na Pali coast and some snorkeling. Check in was at 7:15am and when we loaded the catamaran they had some breakfast pastries waiting for us while they went over their safety briefing. Now I knew that we would most likely not be able to snorkel on the Na Pali coast since it was winter and the northern parts of the islands usually have high surf during the winter months. But they took us to spot in the south that was famous for sea turtles so there was no complaints. 

After the snorkel stop we were on our way to see the cliffs in the morning sun. Along the way we were joined by some spinner dolphins … WOW! They were having some fun with us! There must have been about 100 of them and they were jumping out of the water like Mexican jumping beans! After that we spotted a humpback whale but all we were able to see was him blowing his blowhole, still pretty cool! The water was pretty rough, 5-7 foot swells the captain said and there was about 4 people on our trip that needed the "aloha" bag (as they call it…barf bag).

The rest of the day we just relaxed and enjoyed the sun and the water.


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