Monday, July 1, 2013

2nd Quarter Goal Progress

Welcome July - the whole area hit over 100 degrees Fahrenheit this weekend and a field close to our house even caught on fire!!! Hope everyone is staying cool indoors and keep your yard wet so it doesn't go down in flames! Here is my 2nd quarter 2013 Goals Updates!

The Blog List
·   Reach 250 page views a month (I know that’s not a lot compared to some of you bigger bloggers out there) Nov '12-279 views-4 posts; Dec'12-325 views-11 posts (clearly the more posts I make the more views I get). Done - My views have gone WAY up and I am super excited about it!

·   Start my new series, Extreme Travelers (monthly post) Done - although it is getting hard to find new stories
·   Continue the Travel RoundUp series (monthly Post) Done
·   Let you get to know me on a new Pinspiration post. This will be where I can show you some of the small projects I work on around the house from ideas that I get from Pinterest. Done
·   Travel to one of these places this year: Chicago, Washington DC, or Niagara Falls Unfortunately there will be no travel this year since we are buying a new house - We were going to go to DC when my parents go but that is the same time a friend from overseas is coming to visit.
·   Use a Groupon Getaway --- (doubt this will happen)

·   Lose weight (isn't that on everyone's list?) I stopped WW in May because we were getting into the nitty gritty of moving every weekend and changing all of our mail to a PO Box. Any bill that I could get rid of was cancelled, including the gym L but I have stayed under 130 which I am happy about. And I have every intension of starting back up when things settle down and we're in the new house!     
·   Read more - Maybe I should just take this one down...I dont think its going to happen
·   Take our baby pup, Coco, to Galveston to see how she likes the water It's officially too hot to take the dogs out and Coco is now with Grandma and Grandpa in the hill country until we are in the new house

·   Save one entire paycheck! We need to save for a new house and our trip to Thailand! The only month we didn’t make this goal was when Lola got pneumonia L my poor baby

How are your goals for 2013 going? Traveled anywhere cool? Done anything different? 

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