Monday, May 19, 2014

Coming Back for Seconds

A few days after we arrived home from our European vacation I headed off to Minnesota for work. This was my 3rd time to visit Minnesota and it got me thinking of states and countries I have been to more than once. Here is the list:

New Mexico (5): Middle school mission trip, road trip to Carlsbad Caverns, my roommate in college was from Albuquerque and I visited her a few times

Florida (3): Disney World, Key West, Destin
{Key West}
California (3): Family vacation, family friends bat mitzvah, cousin’s wedding

Minnesota (3): Mayo Clinic, funeral, work

Hawaii (2): Big Island (Hawaii), Kauai

{Big Island}

New York (2): Grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary, Labor Day 2009

{New York City}
Louisiana (2): Middle school mission trip, road trip to Destin

Germany (3): Keil, Munich, Heidelberg/Mannheim

Switzerland (2): Lugano, Lucerne



Where are some places that you have been to multiple times?

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