Friday, June 28, 2013

5 Best Airlines for Snacking

Do you remember when you use to get all this free stuff on planes? Like snacks and playing cards and you didn't have to shell out $3 for some crappy head phones. No all they give you is a free drink - unless you fly on on one of these fine airlines. Here is the original article on the airlines that still provide you with something to nibble on.

Free Snacks: Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, chunky chocolate chip cookies, Stacy's Pita Chips and Delta's signature biscotti

Air France 
Free Snacks: A variety of complimentary French pastries and breads that are baked fresh before every flight

Free Snacks: Terra Blue Chips, PopCorners popcorn chips, Linden's Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Fritos. 

Singapore Airlines 
Free Snacks: Singaporean fish porridge, vegetarian noodle Soup, and edam cheese with cumin-spiced bread. 

(Virgin America - They were on the original list but after Google-ing their snack options I saw many complaints saying they did NOT give free snacks.) 

Do you have any favorite snacks on certain airlines?  

REMINDER: For those of you still using Google Reader, Google is discontinuing the product on July 1st. Check out BlogLovin'is a great way to keep track of your blog list. Click the BlogLovin' button on the left to add me to your list.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Girlfriend Getaways

REMINDER: For those of you still using Google Reader, Google is discontinuing the product on July 1st. Check out BlogLovin'is a great way to keep track of your blog list. Click the BlogLovin' button on the left to add me to your list.

I ran across this article about fun girlfriend weekends away and I wanted to share. Here are some of their suggestions:  

Charleston, SC
St. Croix 
Red Mountain Resort, St. George, UT 
The Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort & Spa, Henderson, NV 
Coastal Maine 
Lakedale Resort, San Juan Islands, WA 
Amansala Eco-Chic Resort & Spa, Tulum, Mexico 

I have had a few, in 2008 my friend Ashley and I went to Italy over Christmas and it was wonderful! In 2009 my study abroad buddy Amanda and I met up with some of our Norwegian friends in NYC for a fun Labor Day weekend. And in 2010 Ashley and I went back to Europe and did Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria! Haven't been on any girls weekend away since then - life starts happening and spouses and kids come along and then they are your new travel buddies. But maybe I should get something in the works…

Have you ever been on a girls only trips?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Under Bite: The Tail of Two Bulldogs - Traveling with Pets

I wanted to post this Friday but I didn't have a picture of the travel bag and I wanted to get some video of us in the car with the dogs - well…the video is flipped so I still have to edit it - I'll post it later for y'all. 

As you know from previous posts we have two pups, Lola and Coco. Lola is an English Bulldog and will be 4 later this year and Coco is an Old English Bulldog and is just over a year old. Lola has always traveled well while Coco needs something to keep her occupied - hello large bone! We are about to make a road trip with just Coco to meet my parents so they can watch her while we are in transition from old house to hotel to new house. I also bought her her own travel bag (it's essentially a diaper bag for dogs) and if doing this is wrong I don’t want to be right! Here are some tips on traveling with pets.

Here are some tips for traveling with a pet from Dr. Patty Khuly.

1. Make your first travel with pets short, especially if it’s a puppy. Pull over at a road side stop to stretch your legs and theirs.

2. Traveling with a puppy is a double-edged sword, just make sure you have your cleaner in the car with you and I always would put the puppy pads under their blanket.

3. Do not be lulled into a sense of complacency with respect to your traveling companion's adorability. Although most people don’t mind dogs there are some that hate dogs (I don’t trust those people). So keep in mind that if your dog goes up to a stranger for a lick or sniff that might upset or scare the person.

4. "Under the seat in front of you" is a very small space, indeed. Not every pet is comfortable in confined areas - much less in REALLY confined areas. And depending on your airline and the airplane model in question, that area might be a whole lot smaller than you currently envision it. For the sake of her comfort and welfare, make sure your dog is easygoing with respect to prolonged confinement.
 This information is especially crucial to those among you who might have considered "fudging" your dog's weight for the purposes of in-cabin air travel. Unless your pet is really close to the upper limit and very comfortable in tight spots, you should think this through before flouting the law. I really wish we could fly with our pups but they are just too big for the cabin and I don’t trust the airline enough to put them in the cargo - regardless of breed.

5. Bring at least a dozen more chew treats or playthings than you think you need - per day. As with children, keeping pets busy during travel is the key to success. Know what toys or chewies entertain them best and don't upset their digestion. And reduce their food intake accordingly so they don't consume a glut of excess calories.

6. Motion sickness happens even to the most cast-iron-stomached. Even if your pet never gets car sick, motion sickness can nonetheless occur unexpectedly in any kind of vehicle (boats, trains, planes, cars, etc.) - especially during very long rides. We use to have a cat that would always sh*t in his crate while on the way to the vet.

7. Don't forget your "first aid kit"! Unless you're traveling overseas or headed off-road, the best kind of first aid kit is made up of one single item: a smartphone loaded with an app that offers info on the emergency hospital closest to wherever you might be. (Nowadays, lots of apps can do this for you.) We have all kinds of ointment and wipes for our pups, and left over meds from ear infections that I don’t really need to go to the vet anymore for stuff like that…is that a good or bad thing? Now I just wish they would let me give my dog Benadryl injections.

Do you have any adventures in traveling with pets?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

For those of you still using Google Reader, don't forget that Google will put an end to the product on July 1st. BlogLovin' is a great alternative to keep track of your blog list. Click the BlogLovin' button on the left panel to add me to your list.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The World's Healthiest Diets

After living in an international dorm in college Ayren Jackson-Cannady, the author of this article, says she "should have been studying her Parisian roommate's eating habits instead of just coveting her style." Because in nations with low obesity rates, women know how to eat right and enjoy every bite. So she got his idea to try different international diets for a week each and see what happened. Here is what she did -

Despite baguettes and Brie, French women have the lowest average body mass index in Europe. "It's true that the French eat for pleasure, but they enjoy cream, cheese, and wine in moderation," says Mary Brighton, RD, a health and food blogger who lives in Pau, France. 

Slimming Secrets 
Eat slowly. The length of the average French meal has decreased in recent years, but it still clocks in at a leisurely 42 minutes. 
Make lunch the main event. French breakfasts are small, but lunch is a big deal and might include soup, salad, a chicken entrée with at least one vegetable, and a light dessert, like sorbet. Supper is lighter and later, usually eaten around 8 or 9. 
Treat yourself.  The French enjoy a petite treat at the end of each meal -- a piece of dark chocolate, an espresso, or an after-dinner drink.

It's no surprise that the obesity rate in Japan is less than 4 percent: The country's traditional diet has long been touted as one of the healthiest in the world. "People who live in the Okinawa region of Japan, specifically, are four to five times more likely than Americans to live to 100," Dr. Miller says. 

Slimming Secrets
Start with soup. Miso soup is part of most meals, including breakfast. A study of more than 5,000 people found that women who ate soup five to six times a week were more likely to have healthy BMIs than those who sipped it less frequently. 
Brighten up your plate. There's a proverb in Japan that says, "Not dressing up the meal with color is like sending someone out of the house without clothes." The Japanese try to incorporate five hues -- red, blue-green, yellow, white, and black -- into every meal. 
Stop while you're ahead. Japanese people don't belong to the clean-plate club. In Okinawa, there's a popular saying, "Hara hachi bu," which means "Eat until you're 80 percent full." 
People in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark have long had one of the lowest obesity rates in Europe. Only 13.4 percent of the Danish population and 10 percent of Norwegians are obese, and Icelanders have a 50 percent lower death rate from heart disease and diabetes than North Americans, Dr. Miller says. 

Slimming Secrets 
Better your bread. In Scandinavia the most beloved loaf is rye. "There are two types of fiber: soluble, found in rye, and insoluble, found in wheat," explains Katherine Tallmadge, RD, the author of Diet Simple. "Both make you feel full, but the soluble kind also lowers cholesterol and glycemic response, causing less glucose in the bloodstream, which means fewer blood sugar spikes and cravings." 
Go fish. Danish people consume more than twice as much fish as Americans, says Arne Astrup, MD, PhD, the nutrition department head at the University of Copenhagen. "Seafood is lower in calories and fat than other protein sources," Scritchfield says. And much of the fat in the fish that's popular in Scandinavia -- herring, tuna, salmon, mackerel, and cod -- is heart-healthy omega-3s.
Hit the farmers' market. But not just in the summer. The Nordic diet is full of cold-climate vegetables -- cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and brussel sprouts -- and mushrooms.

In one study, people who consumed the traditional diet of the Mediterranean (key elements include produce, healthy fats, whole grains, lean protein, and red wine) for 25 weeks lost an average of 8 percent of their body weight

Slimming Secrets

Get an oil change. Extra virgin olive oil, a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, may help control your appetite. A study from the University of California, Irvine, found that the oleic acid it contains triggers the production of a hunger-curbing compound in the small intestine. 
Spice things up. Mediterranean cooks are all about fresh herbs -- basil, dill, bay leaf, fennel, and mint -- and spices. These weight-loss secret weapons pack serious flavor, allowing you to cut back on high-cal ingredients. 
Use meat sparingly. Supersized steak dinners are uncommon in the traditional Mediterranean diet; meat plays a supporting role and is used to add flavor. 

She dropped five pounds, planted an herb garden on my balcony, has meatless Mondays (Thursdays, too), and her pantry is stocked with dark chocolate so rich that I don't want to stuff the whole bar in my mouth (mine actually is too! I love me dark chocolate!)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Top Hawaii Waterfalls

I hope all of you had a great Father's Day weekend! We sure did!

With Summer in full swing I cant help but day dream about my favorite vacation destination (thus far) -Hawaii. I received an email from Hawaii Magazine and I was just par-oozing their website and found some fun lists I wanted to share. Here are the top 5 (well 7 because some are ties) waterfalls on the islands. Enjoy!

No. 5 (tie)
Where: North Shore (Waimea Valley), Oahu
Height: 45 feet
Access: paved trail (one mile) inside Waimea Valley (operated by Hiipaka) 

Where: Hauula, Oahu
Height: 80 feet
Access: Closed to public. Visible by air tours

No. 4
Where: Hilo, Big Island
Height: 80 feet
Access: From downtown Hilo, head east on Waianuenue Avenue then bear right onto Rainbow Drive. Turn right, into Wailuku River State Park

No. 3 (tie)
Where: Kipahulu, Maui
 400 feet
Access: 3- to 5-hour hike on Pipiwai Trail from Pools of Oheo (aka Seven Sacred Pools) at Haleakala National Park’s Kipahulu Visitor Center, 10 miles south of Hana on Hana Highway

Where: Hamakua Coast, Big Island
Height: 1,450 feet - total (two drops)
Access: Closed to public. Visible in Waipio Canyon and by air tours.

No. 2
Where: Lihue, Kauai
Height: 80 feet
Access: Turn off Highway 56 onto Maalo Road. Wailua Falls is at the end of Maalo Road.

No. 1
Where: Honomu, Big Island
Height: 422 feet
Access: From downtown Hilo, head north on Hawaii Belt Road. Turn right on Route 220 (after 13-mile marker) into Honomu town. Akaka Falls is at the end of Route 220.

Friday, June 14, 2013


One day browsing Pinterest I found this really cute card for an anniversary and I pined it! Later, after seeing how many cute things Jen over at iHeart Organizing does with her Silhouette I decided I had to have one! Once I got my Silhouette and before we started packing to move I went ahead and made the card for our 3rd year anniversary. I tried to "man" in up a bit and not use girly colors. I also didn't put the middles back into the "o's", "a's", "e's", etc. I thought it would take too long and I wanted this to be a quick project.

What do you think?

How many of you out there are addicted to Pinterest? 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

World's Best Budget Airlines

Travel can be an expensive hobby—you have to figure out where to stay, what do see and do, what to eat, and more important, how to get there, all without breaking the bank. Flying can often be the priciest part of the journey, especially with all the extra baggage fees and other taxes that are involved nowadays. 
JetBlue Airways
Perk: Comfy leather seats and televisions for all
Where they fly: Between major cities in the northeast, southeast, and western United States; the Caribbean; select cities in Mexico, Central America, and South America.

Southwest Airlines
Perk: Fun-loving employees and open seating options
Where they fly: Major cities throughout the United States; Nassau, Bahamas; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Punta Cana, Dominican Republic; Montego Bay, Jamaica; Mexico City, Cancun, and Los Cabos, Mexico.

Personal Experience: I use to fly Southwest all the time from my college town of Lubbock, TX to home. But once I started traveling internationally and moved to Houston (one of United's hubs) I became a loyal United flier (...well actually I was a loyal Continental flier and then United and Continental merged). 

Perk: Connecting Canada with the U.S., Mexico, and the Caribbean
Where they fly: Major cities throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

Perk: Your gateway to South America! They offer extensive in-flight entertainment options. Each seat has its own television, and you can choose from more than 100 movies, 42 TV shows, 25 games, and even customize your own music playlist.
Where they fly: Miami is the major U.S. hub. Within South America, destinations include Lima, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Guayaquil, Bogotá, LaPaz, and Caracas among others. Domestic flights are also available within Colombia, Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands, Peru, Chile, and Argentina.

Perk: Affordable flights around Europe and the Middle East.
(A search from London, for instance, yielded one-way tickets ranging from nearby Edinburgh and Belfast to cities as far away as Berlin, Munich, and Milan for less than $50.)
Where they fly: Throughout the U.K. and between a number of major European cities; Moscow and various cities in Eastern Europe, Morocco, Turkey, Israel, Cyprus, Jordan, and Egypt.

Perk: Cheap flights—but watch for extra fees
Where they fly: Various cities around Europe, Morocco, Cyprus, and the Canary Islands.

Personal Experience: They typically fly out of non-major cities and in my case it took more time to get to that city. With the extra bus and train fare I'm not sure I saved any money. 

Perk: Africa's first budget airline - one way $20 Domestic flights
Where they fly: From three international airports within Tanzania—Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, and Zanzibar—and Mwanza Regional Airport, with more routes expected to open soon in Entebbe, Uganda, and in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya.

Hawaiian Airlines
Perk: Friendly staff, free island maps and POG juice
Where they fly: Honolulu, Hawaii, is the main hub—you can island hop to the other Hawaiian Islands of Kauai, Maui, and the Big Island, or fly to the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Tahiti, Singapore, Australia, and American Samoa.
Personal Experience: Flew them from Honolulu to Kauai and I was supper excited because I have always heard such good things. I loved getting a map (that I will use for my scrap book) and the POG juice was a good in-flight treat!

Perk: You have the flexibility to choose how many included amenities you want while booking thanks to their cheap base fares and the ability to add extras as you go—the standard ticket price includes one piece of carry-on luggage (a great value for those who tend to pack light), while other variations include seat selection, food, beverages, and in-flight entertainment.
Where they fly: Various cities in Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines.

Have you ever flown with any of these airlines?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Where the Dollar Goes Further: 2013

Smarter Travel has come out with a list of awesome destinations where you can stretch your dollar. Below is the list with some comments :)

1 - Costa Rica - this is on my husbands list of places to go. Its on mine too but further down. Its further down because I feel like we could do this on a long weekend. It would take us the same amount of time to get to Costa Rica as it would for NYC or Las Vegas. Something to do when we want to get away from the kids in the future (when we actually have kids that is).
2 - India
3 - Iceland - this too is on both of ours list. I think Iceland is doable in 5 days. My only issue is that United doesn't fly there and we wont get our!
4 - Mexico - living in Texas we hear a lot of horror stories about its not really on our list.
5 - Thailand - I think I have expressed on this blog before how much I want to go in within the year! I have my fingers crossed that we have the mileage points to get us there!
6 - Argentina
7 - Hungary - been there and loved it!

8 - Bali - surprised to see this on the list? So was I! But apparently the exchange rate is in the US dollars favor right now - so now is as good a time as any to pack up and head to Bali!
9 - Czech Republic - been there too and loved it!

10 - Ecuador 

Friday, June 7, 2013

When Vacations Attack!

You may remember back in February when I posted about this couple in South Africa that had been attacked by a rhino! Well I have another one for you today (actually this has been sitting in my files since April so I figured I might want to post it before its OLD news).

Two tourists visiting South Africa's Kruger National Park needed medical attention after an elephant charged and over turned their car! I think its a good idea that if you are on a safari that you keep your distance from the WILD animals. They may seem tame since they live on a reserve but they are still wild and should be admired from a far.

{Photo By Reuters, Source}

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Travel RoundUp

1 - How many of you have waited hours and hours at theme parks just to ride a 10 minute ride? I know I have! Well now you have a solution, it’s a sketchy one! It's pretty sad that people have resorted to this.

2 - Check out this awesome Capitan driving this boat through a canal!

3 - We are thinking about getting these pants for our next international adventure…stylish no?!

4 - Imagine you're walking down the street…just a normal day and you look up and see a plane on fire!!! And here is another similar occurrence but this time pieces of the plane fell on a woman's house!!!

5 - The next time I am in NYC I am totally staying here! The Pod Hotel offers fun and modern rooms for the budget conscious traveler! Here is a Yahoo! review of the hotel.

6 - American Airlines is now going to start letting passengers with only personal items board the plane first! So all you crazies out there that have the HUGE roll-on bags that don’t fit in the overhead compartment are going to have to wait!

7 - More bad news for cruise goers. Royal Caribbean's Grandeur of the Seas caught fire!

8 - Bangkok, Thailand is expected to receive 15.98 million tourists in 2013, compared to London’s 15.96 million and Paris’s 13.92 million, according to MasterCard’s latest Global Destination Cities Index

Monday, June 3, 2013

It's Hot and I Don't Like It!!!

Welcome Summer! To catch y'all up on whats going around Houston, TX...its the temperature! The temperature is whats going up; my car thermometer read 100 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time this year the other day. And typically when its 100 outside it really feels like 110 with 95% humidity! Yeah its not pleasant at all! The dogs are only allowed to go outside in 5 minute increments. (This is why I day dream about Hawaii!)


Also, things are in full swing with our new house! We are officially renting from the people that bought our old place and in about a month we'll be in a hotel until the house is finished. We are so excited! We also only have the large items (beds, sofa, coffee table) to pack up and take to storage unit.

{Our New Home!}

Whats the temperature like in your part of the world? I bet its better than Houston!

Extreme Travelers: Hitchhiking Across the World

Frenchman Jeremy Marie has spent the last five years hitchhiking across 71 different countries! He started in 2007 and didn't spend a single penny on travel expenses, instead he relied on the kindness of others to give him a lift across the world. You can read articles and see more pictures on the links below.

{}                {Yahoo! News}

{Jeremy's journey, Source}

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