In 2008 I was blessed with the opportunity to study abroad for 6 weeks in Norway. And although my time there was short it was a major life changing time for me and, I think, shaped me into the person I am today. I have one man to thank for this, my Norwegian professor Sigve. He came into my Engineering Economics class and gave a presentation on an opportunity for engineers to study International Marketing and Advertising for 6 weeks in Norway. He told us about the town and what there was to see and learn. At that moment I knew that this was something I had to do. As a result of this experience I made strong connections with people that will forever be my friends. He took some of us out to dinner, let us hang out at his house and took us golfing on a beautiful lake.
I learned today that our professor has passed away. Everyone from our class was touch by all he taught us in and outside of the class room. To a good man, skål!
May you rest in peace
Sigve, Sevil, Jack |
Kyle, Sigve, Scott, Ryan |
our class |
Norway |
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